May 31, 2010

Meringue & open star decorating tip

I made miniature meringue that made from resin clay (air dry clay).
I put brown on the meringue. And I made about 200 meringues included practice one by one by miniature open star decorating tip.
I made miniature open star decorating tip too. I had investigated about how to make tip for a few days. I tried wring for cream that made from resin clay. There are fine lines. :D
I opened my way of making an open star decorating tip. 
First, prepare a wood stick sharpened by pencil sharpener, and make a few lines by chisel.  

And covered the wood stick with the epoxy putty (*1), and press for make lines on the epoxy putty , and the stick separate from putty gently and dry a few hour. 

After dried, cut the tip a little, arrange to conic shape. And same way actual to wring cream. After used, wash by water and wipe with a cloth. This tip could use a few times. 

The cream was made from resin clay "Grace" and "Hearty". Each mix, put in color and a few drops of water, and mix again to like a cream in the little cup etc. If it is too soft, there are not some lines on the cream, but if it is hard a little, the cream couldn't treat easily, besides fingers would became painful. The adjustment is difficult!   

I will improve more this tip. 

Thank you for reading!


  1. Thank you for your suggestions... very useful. I'm beginning with plates but I bought mold in Miniaturitalia (Milan fair). I'm trying also to do some mold with silicon for my minis but the result... ehmmm... is not satisfactory for me.... I hope for well ;-)It's very difficult to do.

  2. such an amazing idea :O the results are looking very good! i still use the serrated edge from the aluminum foil box (like in one of your earlier posts about sweet potato biscuit?) but sometimes i wish it were easier to use and finer too :( this is really very helpful! thank you Tomohachi!

  3. i have never seen this, this is such a great idea !!! is it easier than the aluminium foil ?? i find the foil difficult to handle too ~~

  4. Wow, thanks for sharing your method! I'll have to try it sometime, yours looks great!

  5. Ñma, ñam.....esos merengues estan para comerselos.
    Muchisimas gracias por el tutorial
    besitos ascension

  6. Mari
    I had created a lot of failure too. ha-ha-ha And I sometimes still fail making miniatures. Not to worry. You could get a satisfactory result for you soon. :-)

    Yes, I used to use the serrated edge. (Oh! you had remembered my old post?! Thanks!) Sure, this edge is useful, but I felt some lines made by serrated edge are not fine. I'd like to need more fine lines. I tried make the serrated edge in aluminum plate. But I couldn't make fine serration. :,-( So, I used other material this time. :-)

    ele B
    Yes, I think it's easier. This tip is a little troublesome to make, but I feel the lines on the clay are beautiful and fine. :-)

    Lorraine Escapita
    Thank you! Yes, if you have opportunity, please try making this tip. ;-)

    Siempre muchas gracias por su comment! Estoy muy contenta. :-))
    Come! Come! :D

  7. That is a great idea - thank you very much for sharing.
    I like your tiny world on the table and all of your work.

    Hugs and greetings from Bavaria, Germany

  8. GoodJibbCutter7/23/10, 2:32 AM

    Nice idea, However i hadn't heard of epoxy putty until now
    Earlier, what I made to pipe out some Churros was made out of regular household junk,
    - Sharp strong utility knife
    - 1 500ml plastic softdrink bottle
    - 1 square of waxy paper
    (waxy preferred, mine was about
    - Some tape
    - Some cling/plastic wrap
    (double up cling wrap may help)
    Cut a star (or whatever) in the lid of a small plastic coke bottle and cut the bottle thread and lid away from the main bottle, leaving a little bottle wall (5cm perhaps or more) from just under the thread/neck to tape on the waxy paper cone (made out of a square folded into a triangle, then rolled into a cone,you will find many guides for making these cones on the web ).
    DO NOT PLACE DOUGH DIRECTLY INTO PAPER CONE AND BOTTLE NECK YET !!, this will make a huge mess. PLACE CLING WRAP SQUARE INTO CONE FIRST TO LINE THE BAG !! - cut a small hole in center of the square of cling wrap then spoon the dough into the CLING WRAP, twist the wrap nicely to make an inner cling-wrap-bladder around your dough then wrap the cone ends like usual around the plastic bladder and its contents then, pipe away. This worked well and now i can just cut different types of tip designs from other coke lids to change on the fly simply by swapping the coke lids as i wanted.

  9. what a great tip an d timely for me just now! Thankyou for sharing it. Glynnis
