Jun 24, 2010

Cotyledon and Focaccia

Tree cotyledons is growing in the planter of empty can. Normally it thin out seeding to leave only one when crowd together. But this is clay, no problem. :-)
I made miniature focaccia, topping rosemary.


  1. You are really an artist!
    I have eat yesterday evening the focaccia (I made it 1:1) and it was like yours!
    How you made open can?
    My best compliment!
    Please when you start to sell in Europe let me know! :-))

  2. It is difficult to believe it is in miniature. Perfect work.

  3. Again unbelievable beautiful work :)

  4. You have a wonderful mini-jobs. Basket for woods is a pretty and focaccia look really good. I am your new follower. Happy Midsummer in Finland.

  5. WOW!!! I Love the can with the little plants! The focaccia looks really great too!

    Great, wonderful, amazing work!

  6. Hi, this is the first time I'm commenting.
    I'm in awe of the things you make! The plants in open can & focaccia look awesome. You are a very talented miniaturist :).
    Very happy to have found your blog & will be visiting regularly.
    Thank you.

  7. Fantastic work! I especially love the seedlings sprouting. Like Sonya, I am so curious to know how you made the open can.

  8. Sonya and Carol
    Thank you for compliment. I'm very glad! :)) I like focaccia. A bakery in near my house have the event of Italian bread and selling focaccia. I got an idea there.

    This open can is made from acrylic pipe and paper (sketchbook). The way of making is very easy. A pipe (8mm in diameter) cut about 7mm hight, and wrap a paper (1cm hight) around pipe. The pipe of 7mm is fake bottom. The plants are in space of 3mm. And the edge of the upper and bottom part of can wrap paper 1mm hight around this.
    Paper is cut in round shape for making cap, and make some round lines on this paper, and serrate the edge of paper by chisel (blade like a crescent), glue on can and put color. And done~.

    Merry Jingle
    Lorranine Escapita
    Always thank you for visiting and comment in my blog. :))) I always very glad!

    Iris and Alcy's Hobby Room
    Hi! Welcome to my blog and thank you for your glad comment. :)) I'm very glad! Please enjoy my miniature world.

  9. Die Dose mit den Keimlingen ist ja lustig geworden.... sieht wirklich alles toll aus.

    Liebe Grüße PuNo/Monika

  10. The little seedlings in a can are soooo cute!! *A* SO CUTE. I want it for my doll.. =___=

  11. Your miniatures are fantastic! The can is unbelievable.

    The little plants you made look very realistic.

    Hugs and greetings from Bavaria, Germany

  12. how in the world did you make the can??? amazing!

  13. That tiny plant seedling is wonderful!!! :]

  14. Hi...like yr art work very much...
