Sep 19, 2010

My treasure

I received wonderful gift from Italy two days ago. Caterina sent me wonderful miniature Italian food packages she made! :D (Oh My God! Her package already arrived in Japan, but my miniature don't arrive to her house yet. :,-( I think that my packages already are in Italy. Hey! The custom! Please through my packages! Mail carrier! Please deliver hurry up!) I first have foreign handmade miniatures. :) This is my treasure!

I told her that I love Italian food. She made me these. :-))) I guess this is hard work to a lot of packages! Grazie mille! Caterina! It can hear sound from some packages when shake it. :) It's like real. 

I love Italian food, and I am interested in the ancient Roman's life (Pompei) and history of gladiator. I enjoy watching American TV drama "Spartacus Blood and Sand" now. :D This is the story of gladiator.

This day I received these minis, also I received American stationary of Halloween design from my Illustration teacher. (She went to USA for a few days. This is souvenir. :D) It was wonderful day with I felt foreign wind. :-)))


  1. Tomohachi, How lucky you are!! The little Italian food packages are so wonderful!!! I love them!

  2. ¡Estupendos regalos! Caterina es una gran artista y una gran amiga. Todo está perfecto, lo más importante el cariño que ha metido en el paquete :)
    Besos Clara

  3. Caterina e bravissima, e tu sei fortunata
    Lia e Alma

  4. I'm glad you like my Italian pasta!
    The next time I send to you already cooked? ha ha!
    your package has not arrived here yet ... : (( I hope soon!
    Come to my birthday party? visit my blog!
    kisses, Caterina

  5. Caterina has made a very good job!
    She is a good miniaturist!
    Don't worry for your minis I think that they will arrive!
    Have a good days!

  6. Enhorabuena por esos precioso regalitos, Caterina es una gran artesana.
    besitos ascension

  7. What lovely presents, Tomohachi :):). But deservedly so. Me, Cindy and Asuka oohed and ahhhhed over your prize on Friday :). I am so thrilled and still cannot believe my luck :).

    I am sorry that Caterina has not received her mail :( but when she does, I am sure she will be over the moon!

  8. Yes! I'm lucky girl. hehehe

    I hope my packages arrive at you at once. I have surprised that it have too days to arrive.

    Oh?! Really?! Thank you! :-)))
