May 14, 2011

Sweets etc.

I wrapped miniature kouglof. It was hard work....

I made miniature roll of bread. They looks like caterpillar :P, or looks like swarms of The Ohmu that appear in Japanese famous animation movie "NAUSICAA of the valley of the wind." hehehe

Miniature cup cakes decorated with whipped cream and sugar icing cookie, crown and heart. It is popular sugar icing cookies in Japan now. I made miniature open star decorating tip again, because I lost old tip. I improve performance, it has beautiful  lines than tip I lost. But it need more practice to decoration. 

Miniature pan cake and Japanese pan cake "hot cake". (We call "hot cake" about pan cake. But recently, delicious American style pan cake shop has opened in some cities, Japan. So we can call distinguish between pan cake and hot cake.)
I put too maple syrup on each cakes. I like maple syrup in my real life :-9, for that reason I worked so.


  1. Your tiny food looks SO yummy! I wish I could try your hot cakes :-) Do they taste different from American pancakes?

    My husband has just come home from a trip to Japan and he liked it there very much. We are very sad about the recent earthquake and all the devastation...

    Best wishes,


  2. I became a big fan of your blog. And this post is very beautiful!

  3. Nice work especially the kouglof:)Do you sale your work somewhere?

  4. Great miniatures!I love your kouglof and the pancakes, the syrup looks very real.

  5. Sian
    Thank you for your commenting. :)) I guess each taste resemble a little, and hot cake is thick and the texture is a little bit heavier than American pancakes. It feel full stomach.
    I'm very happy your husband likes very much to Japan!! :))) Directly after the earthquake and happened nuclear power plant accident, a lot of foreigners resident in Japan left Japan immediately and tourists from the world hardly visit to Japan. XO
    I'm thankful to your husband for he visited Japan! Thank you!

    Thank you for commenting and seeing my works. :)) I'm very happy!

    Tam toum
    Hello! Thank you for commenting. :)) Yes, I sell in exhibition on next month in Tokyo. :) I have made works desperately now. hahaha

    Thank you always for commenting. :)) It was difficult to mix colors to make syrup color.

  6. Shame on me that I cant fly over! haha :)

  7. En mi casa las llamamos "tortitas americanas". También me encanta el maple syrup... mmmmmm!!!!
    Te han quedado perfectas!

  8. love! i too enjoy maple syrup, too much i believe! *pats big tummy* XD you have kept so busy! LOOOVE everything ^ ^

  9. As I looking for recipe, I tot it's real foods!!! Looks very yummy^^~
