Jun 16, 2011


I had was so busy to prepare miniature show. I didn't have enough time to write in English. I'm sorry.

Okay, Tokyo international miniature show was opened on last weekend, saturday and sunday. Unfortunately, saturday was rainy weather, so customers are not a lot, but sunday was fine weather, a lot of people came. :))

This is my booth.

I displayed my dollhouse. ta-dah~!

I will open other photos on flicker later. I still am busy now. XO
Let me report about miniature show a little. I spend very joyful days and I was glad. :))) I could meet and talk with my web customer. I was so happy!, and I talked other miniature creators. We exchanged various opinions and informations. I learned a lot of things about miniature works. I got precious things and wonderful fellows. An expert miniature creator said me "Your photos on the web are very beautiful and your works are very fine.". I was soooo glad with I feel I am on paradise! A lot of miniature creator active on the web (include me) participated in this show, so other miniature creators and customers were interested us. 
Of course, I did failure too. :P Well, an European old woman picked up other creator's works to buy and she brought me it with keep silent. I thought she can't speak Japanese, so I spoke her poor English "it's not my works, the creator not on here now, I bring her, please wait for few minute." She nod with keep silent. Few minute later, I brought the creator, she explained her about works in Japanese, European old woman answered small voice Japanese very well! OMG! Why didn't she answer me in Japanese?!  I asked her in Japanese "you speak Japanese?" She..... nod and keep silent.... I said her in Japanese "Sorry, my English jar, right?" She answered nothing. I was ignored. :,-( Later, I tore my hair with shameful. I decided I never speak English to foreign customer in the show. hahaha... 

Angie Scarr had workshop and shop in this show. I heard her booth was very popular. I couldn't visit her booth. I didn't have enough time to visit all booths. uhmm... I regret. 

For two days, those were be my good experience. :) 


  1. I admire your work! It is so positive that you all go on with your life after the terrible catastrophy! Many Greetings!

  2. Acredito que realmente tenha sido muito divertido participar da feira. Gosto muito do teu estilo e de tuas miniaturas. Parabens pelo teu estande.

  3. I wish one day I would be able to a miniatures show in Japan.

  4. Your booth and your dollhouse presentation looks wonderful! I can't wait to see more pictures from you on flickr. I hope to go to a miniature show in Japan one day too!

  5. Fantastic! Especially the kitchen scene .I have the red plastic spatula in real size.!

  6. *hugs* your booth looks absolutely adorable, just like your works! thank you for the report, if ever i get to visit japan, i definitely would love love love to visit a miniature show there tee hee (and visit you too! :P)

  7. Thank you so much for everyone. :)))

    Yeah, please come to miniature show in Japan one day. :) There are a lot of Japanese wonderful miniature creator. :))

    Tam toum
    I have a red spatula of LE CREUSET in real size too. :D I made miniature spatula after the model on that.

    Hi Cindy! I took small booth, so I couldn't showy display and put a lot. But I will learn about display to show little by little.

  8. Your booth looks really pretty and your littlekitchen is awesome, love it so so much.
    I am happy that you had a great time :)

  9. Congratulations on a successful show! It was good of you to try to communicate with the European woman, the fact she didn't speak to you was her rudeness. Unfortunately there are strange people in the world - even in our miniature world! Gill x

  10. Thank you so much for commenting! :)))

    Thank you for your advice :), your advice is consolation to me. I already recovered. :)
    Exactly, there are strange people in everywhere, every world. We have to live do not worry about them.
