Aug 16, 2012

Intense heat

Japan is intense heat everyday. A lot of people are took to the hospital by hyperthermia in an ambulance. If worst comes to worst, it will die. Way of prevent hyperthermia is drink a lot of water or sports drink and do not work under the sun etc.

I drank a lot of water everyday, my stomach always is full and I feel my body is heavy...

I miss cool days...


  1. Let's hope you will have cooler days soon! We had alot of heat in Greece,too. It is very exhausting...if you are not by the sea all day long!!!
    yes, you need a lot of water, a hat , light food....and showers- many showers!!!!
    The little bears are so cute!!! :)

  2. I'm glad you are keeping hydrated. It is very hot here too! Cooler weather will be welcome in so many places. Your bears are adorable! xo Jennifer

  3. Let's be careful of summer weariness each other! :)

    Thank you happy comments for my bears. They make me sweltering in this season. (-_-;)
