Jan 17, 2013

Vintage car etc.

Hello again! How are you? :) I will start making miniature works from this week. :) 

I had made a plastic model, 1/24 scales. I started putting together cheerfully, but I am in a bad mood little by little and finally I got very angry because I could not assemble smoothly. hahaha 

But! I overcame some troubles and done. Ta-dah! :D

(Whoops! I mistook spelling! XP That's "for".)

I will use this car to 1/24 scales dollhouse world. 

And I have made some miniature articles to dollhouse 1/12 scales.

This is a mirror, little blackboard design.

I guess Japanese people like logo of foreign language, especially English, French and Italian. I like those logo too. :) So I put foreign language on the box etc. But I always am worried to choose words and sentence. When I use some sentence, I make sentence by myself and I search it in the web, the sentence is right or not.
This time I chose "TEA" simply. It's very easy. I don't need thinking. hehehe


  1. me gusta mucho como te ha quedado el coche ,y los detalles para la casa ,una monada , la caja de te muy sencilla pero elegante



  2. I love it! I made one of the regular Beetle cars a long time ago, but made it look old and worn out. :D They are fun, no?

  3. I like the scenes with the car; very funny.
    Bye Faby

  4. I am in love with the tiny little bunting on the notice board


  5. I love the bunny driving the car! You are so talented! xo Jennifer

  6. Thank you for commenting. :)) Muchas gracias por el comentario. :))

    I love Beetle car. :) I wanted to do shabby paint in the car but I hesitated to do that and I couldn't.

    Actually this bunny was failure, his destiny was go to garbage can. But I changed my mind. He is important character in my miniature world now. :D

  7. Me gusta tu trabajo
    Una buena idea y las fotos, geniales
