May 25, 2014

Funny fellows and miniature food

I made new miniature teddy bears. :) 

I dyed the silk fur right blue. 

"My stomach is glowing...."

"I have an ambition!"

"It maybe cold today..."   Japan start hot little by little. :(

"Oh! Did William Tell appear ?!"

This miniature fabric is new product. I received DM from the material shop to make bear, I purchased some new fabrics at once. :D It seems animal fur. I like it.

This is different color of new product. I wondered how to make the rabbit's ear, I searched the photos of real rabbit on the web. I remembered that Rabbit's ears are thin, so I don't sew the ears. I glued the two pieces of fabrics together by my technique.

Those are for exhibition. :)

Bread. This is not done yet.

Done. I floured on the baguette and topping sugar on the other.

This is Japanese style lemon cake on sale at the store. :-9 The sponge cake of the shape of lemon and coating white chocolate with lemon flavor.  I must think how to wrap...


  1. Me encantan tus animalitos y las comiditas son deliciosas!!!

  2. OH! ils sont tout mignons!! la viennoiserie fait très envie,c'est superbe!!

  3. Los osos son encantadores y simpáticos,que telas tan bonitas,parecen piel de verdad!!!!
    Y los alimentos se ven deliciosos!!!!!

  4. I LOVE all of your sweet, whimsical mins, Tomohachi! Your new bears, bunny, and food are all fantastic. The mini bunny is my fsavorite. Great work! xo Jennifer

  5. I love your little bears and they arrow through the apple is very cute :)


  6. Thank you for commenting. :) I'm always very happy!
