Nov 2, 2010

Christmas cookie (REAL)

I went to a cake shop. I found there some christmas cute cookies. :) There are Santa Claus, reindeer, angel and snow man. I chose a snow man. It's so lovely! I will display in the living room to best before.
I bought this that was charmed by his lovely smile, but I always am betrayed by smile design. I haven't ate delicious. :,-(
I thought that those cookies were made in the shop, but it's an import (Made in Vietnam). :0 Oh, some cake shop nowadays don't made these. I wonder if it will cost a deal. 


  1. The snowman cookie is too cute!! I love the colors.
    -Kim :)

  2. I wonder how long it will take to you to make it mini.... not long I guess. It's a real cutie. Rosanna

  3. Yes, if I have enough time, I'd like to try making this cookie in miniature. :)

  4. Ah its that time again.

    Cute snow man bicuit. I too woudl display it, rahter than eat it.

  5. how can u eat that? its too cute!

  6. I will eat... from his head unhesitatingly! :P hehehe
