Nov 11, 2010

Plants again and Rosemary

I made miniature plants again, but these size are little than the old plants.

And also, I made miniature rosemary. This photo is an image that see at a distance. It's nice looking. But...

Camera zoom in, ummm~~~ a little bit rough. Leaves and stem are out of balance.  Leaves are about 1mm width, stem made from wire to make art flower, I used so thin wire. If I hope more thin, I must to find the material with strength that more thick than a hair and more thin than a thread. I don't have an idea now. X( In addition the stem's color is right yellowish green, this color has swelling effect. (Does it say "swelling color" in English? I'm sorry, I couldn't find the word in dictionary. If somebody know better word, please teach me. :)) So... I guess that seem the stem is thick.

ummm~~~~ OK. It's good, no problem with see at a distance.
 I took some photos my real rosemary plants and observed a leaf figure.  I had tried three ways to make miniature rosemary. I chose making by clay (mixed clay "Grace" and "Hearty"). 


  1. adoro seus trabalhos !!Parabéns

  2. These are amazing!<3 I´m so inspired by these, just itching for time to play with my miniature stuff once again!

  3. These are great! I love your little plants in cans. You inspire me.

  4. These plants are Great!!!
    -Kim :)

  5. They look really good, love the tin cans.

  6. very nice! i love the tin cans

  7. i love them they look absolutely adorable! ^ ^

  8. I love the seedling in the cans, such a lovely idea....really, really lovely!

  9. This is so small container in which the seed are grown but they are showing large difference in the size of the plants.

  10. Everyone thank you always for glad comment! :-)))

  11. ¡Increible! Muy buen trabajo con estas plantas.
    Me encantan.
    Besos Clara
