Mar 13, 2011

Earthquake 2

Thank you so much for worrying about Japan. We are so glad.
The third day since earthquake. It still quake, but does not has many times. It's no problem at least in Tokyo. Pipelines, gas, water and electricity, are suppling to us in my town. It is no change, same daily life.
I went to supermarket this morning. It was so crowded with customer. Mainly, most of meats and vegetables were a little, because some means of transportation are stopping now. Especially, instant noodles were sellout. Everyone bought those to emergency provisions. Instant noodles seem to convenience and be emergency provisions, but this is just when can get boiling water. When the situation of  disaster will stop the pipelines to life, and can not make a fire, there is fear that case of gas is escaping.
Now, in some stricken area, a lot of victims can not arrive to a shelter and can not make a fire in the road or front of building destroyed by various reasons, some victims nibbled instant noodles without boiling water.
Most of shelters started distribution rice ball and bread to victims, and some shelters can make a fire are distributing hot soup. I grieve for victims...

This giant earthquake and tsunami made so fear and tragedy in the northeastern of Japan. Now missing people and the dead are exceed 2900... A lot of rescue teams are doing rescue operation now.

These photos from Newspaper.
A shelter in Fukushima.
People need help on the building.
Housings destroyed. 
A petrochemical complex fire and exploded.
Debris, cars and planes
Tsunami submerged the small city. 
69 countries and 5 regional organizations are offering to help to Japan now. Some countries's rescue teams arrived in stricken areas and are doing rescue operation. We are thankful for helps.

Japan has other terrible problem, there is fear that explosion of hydrogen in nuclear power plant in Fukushima. The government is announcing the Japanese nation that it's coping to the problem. umm....

Thanks a lot from Japan


  1. hi ~ i have never left u a msg before, but i've always followed ur blog and love the miniatures u make !!

    i live in Hong Kong, Japan is so near and we all love to go traveling there. i was following the news and videos online and am still very shocked at what happened. yet i am also amazed at how organised and calm and well-behaved everyone is !!

    wish u and ur family and friends well ~~ my thoughts are with u and ur country ~

  2. All the information that arrives and all the pictures and TV images are absolutely dantesc. I have seen something like this. we are so so worried for all of you and I can not image the fear and desesperation of people that have loose the house, the city...everything. And of course people that has die.
    And for sure that this disster will affect the global economy. Now the most important thing is help. You will receive our help.
    From Spain and Europe our thoughts are with you.

  3. Our hearts are with you, we watch the TV and see the horror of your country. Please be as safe as you can. xx

  4. I and my family grieve for Japan. Some French teams are on their way to offer help.
    We like you are very worried about the nuclear power plant.
    Thank you for giving us direct information.
    Let's hope and pray that nothing more dreadful will happen.
    Bon courage!

  5. Dear, I cannot not grief for you and your country . I look at the reports on tv and I wonder how you can be so calm and organized. I bow to your people who is giving all us a great lecture on civilization and I wishyou all the best. A hug from Italy, Rosanna

  6. Gracias por esta información. Estoy tranquila de saber que tu estas bien.
    Muchos besos Clara

  7. Gracias por la información directa, deben sentir tanto miedo ante esta situación, que te sientes totalmente desolado ante la magnitud de la catastrofe. Tengan todo nuestro cariño, y espero y deseo que la situación vaya retornado a la normalidad. Un gran abrazo. Carmen

  8. Our thoughts and prayers are with everyone!!!


  9. こんにちは!

    テレビのニュス見ました。日本の大統領はsaid that it will be necessary to cut through electricity.
    My teacher of Japanese ,in Bilbao, leaves in Japan now. He leaves 600 km from 東京 and he said tremors started to feel last week.

    I am very sorry for all japanese people. This is absolutely a big size tragedy.

    I would like to do anything to help japanese people.

    If i can help you or anyone you know, tell me please.心の中。


  10. Carissima, non ho parole per quello che è successo. Posso solo dirti che tutti noi anche in Italia stiamo pregando e seguendp sempre questa tragedia che vi ha colpito. In Italia sappiamo cosa vuol dire la parola Terremoto ma quello che ha colpito il tuo paese è stato talmente grave e forte che non ha precedenti. Sono vicina a te e alla tua gente e spero veramente tanto che non ci siano altre vittime. Un fortissimo abbraccio

  11. Tomohachi, We are all riveted to our TV where CNN is reporting non-stop about Japan and all of the devastation. It boggles the mind what has happened. I live in California about 25 miles from Santa Cruz where they even had damage from this earthquake! How powerful it was. Santa Cruz had tsunami warnings on Saturday and received a lot of damage at the piers where boats are stored. Several boats sunk and the piers were destroyed. My prayers are with your whole country! Take care of yourself!!

  12. I don't know what to say , it is a horor story, take care , lots off love karina

  13. Tomoca, dearest! these stories are very sad and my heart weeps! also my eyes cry in front of such a disaster.
    I'm very very sad. I hope that everything will end soon and that you are all safe.
    the problem of nuclear power, and the danger is a big thought for us. Every day, the Italian TV sends images of the disaster, the number of victims rises day by day ....
    this is awesome, and I feel helpless for not being able to help! : ((
    I wish all the best for you and your family!
    please write your news always, I'm worried about you!
    a big hug! Caterina

  14. ((Tomohachi)) Sending my prayers to you and your family.

  15. Thank you so much everyday for worrying and praying about Japan. Victims is increasing more, and police announced missing people are 10000, most of this number meaning may the dead, and also is increasing more serious problem in a lot of shelter, lack of food, water, blanket, medical etc.
    Today we got knew good news. An old man was rescued. He was drifting in the sea on the roof destroyed for 2 days. He had 2 bottles vitamin drink, he had drank while 2 days to survive. When finished drink, he was ready for dead. But an Aegis destroyer found him and rescued him. He told he found some ships and helicopters were flying over him, he cried for help them but they didn't notice him. :,-(
    He survived and it's miracle!

    Japanese government announced that 150 people was exposed to radiation, but they were a small amount and does not has problem to them health. And Nuclear power plant had hydrogen explosion twice but the container to keep nuclear does not break, therefore radioactivity is not escaping. (This is government announced. We don't know this is true or not.) But the systems to keep cold has serious situation.

    Eastern Japan (Tochigi, Ibaraki, Gunma, Saitama, Chiba, Kanagawa, Tokyo, Shizuoka, Yamanashi) has serious problem to daily life that lack of electricity by accident of nuclear power plant and food too. Nations live in eastern Japan have to save electricity. Japanese government and electric power company ask nations live in eastern Japan that please save electricity. Therefore supply electricity stopped in each prefecture and city from today, and did it different times. Water also stop in apartment. But this announce was announced suddenly and the explanation is not detail. Millions citizen prepared water or things need each people before stop electricity with panic, but it was canceled suddenly in some city and towns. (It was canceled in my town too.) We thought "What???!!!" We confused and don't know there is the plan tomorrow. But we have to save electricity voluntarily. A lot of department stores and supermarkets close or open short time to save electricity now.

    Stopping electricity, it's danger and make grave to people (in hospital and house) use respirator. Electric power company announced rent dynamo to patients, but too late after was stopped electricity! (For this reason, it might be stopped the plan to stop supply. This is another report.)

    By lack of electricity and food, people went to supermarket to buy food and electric battery to use radio. Most of supermarket has shortage of stock. All food, drink and electric battery disappear from supermarket.

    Certainly, this is serious, but not serious, because stricken area and shelter lack of food etc. are more grave than eastern Japan people. We have house and water, besides have food than shelter. We can not complain.

    Thank you for reading.

    Thanks a lot from Japan

  16. I send my prayers to you and everyone in Japan also. The pictures are heartbreaking.

  17. Thank you for the updates Tomohachi, and i'm so glad you and your loved ones are alright. I heard on the news that they might be evacuating more people, even in Tokyo, I hope you will not be too affected.

    My thoughts and heavy heart are with you, and yours.

  18. Our thoughts and prayers are with everyone in Japan. Take care!

  19. All our thoughts are with you and with everyone in Japan.

  20. All my prayers to you and the rest of Japan. I really admire how Japanese work together in times of great tragedy. Well disciplined and kind-hearted.

  21. Me alegra saber que usted esta bien.
    Gracias por la información.
    Mi más sincera solidaridad con el pueblo japonés.
