Mar 11, 2011


Today, there was big earthquake registered 8.8 on the Richter scale and tsunami in Sendai, the northeastern area, Japan, and there are missing people, the dead and the  injured. There also was big earthquake in Tokyo. Dishes and things flew out from shelves in my house. I was fear.
The center of Tokyo and other city has big trouble in transportation. Trains has stopped now. Millions of people can not go back home by train. Fortunately, I was at home today.

I am fine, and also my family and friends are fine.
It still has earthquake frequently now. I feel bad, like a seasickness.  


  1. we have seen reports on the TV news, our hearts go out to you and your countryfolk. Our prayers are for you all.

  2. through the blog-world one feels connected with all! One can only pray that nature will come to rest and that human life will be spared! Kindest greetings from Greece and I sincerly hope and pray that you and your family are safe!

  3. Sorry to hear this bad news.
    Good that you and your family are fine.

  4. It is scary to see such big fire and the panic people on the TV.
    The earthquake is 275 times of the one happened in Taiwan in Sep 1999. I can titally imagine how you feel now.
    Please stay calm and keep peaceful in your mind, Tomohachi!

  5. I guess we all feel bad about what is happening to your country today. This is horrible. I am glad to read you are all right and hope all your famly and friends are safe too. My prayers are with you all in Japan

  6. Please take care, and we will all pray for you and Japan.

  7. I have seen images of the tsunami have left me appalled, it's so unfair thing to happen. I'm glad that you and your family finds you doing well, a big hug from Spain.

  8. Tomoca hello! I'm so relieved to know that you and your family are all well! I was going to write you an email for your news.
    I saw the tragedy on TV, and I was very scared! poor people, how many deaths and injuries, I'm shocked! is a terrible tragedy. I know that Japan is a nation prepared and accustomed to earthquakes, but this seems to be the most disastrous in history! I'm sorry and I weep for the hundreds of victims, and hope that everything will proceed well and the fear of disaster can pass soon! courage, dear friend, I am close to you with my heart!
    a big hug to you, and to the entire population of Japan!
    kisses, Caterina

  9. I saw the news in TV...It is horrible.
    I am so sorry for the Japanese people, it is a big tragedy.
    I ma glad that you are fine, hope all your family nad friends too.

  10. He visto las noticias en internet y en televisón. Es horrible lo que ha ocurrido. Mi profesor de japonés vive en Nagoya. No sé si por allí se ha notado.
    Me alegro de que estés bien y espero que no haya más movimientos.

    Un abrazo.

  11. Tomohachi, I am so happy to hear that you and your family are safe! I was just reading about this on the internet and couldn't believe what I saw in the photos! I read that the aftershocks are quite strong too. Take care of yourself! I am sending you a hug and prayers for your country!

  12. Hi.
    Glad to hear that you and your family are ok. I've seen the terrifying pictures at TV. It feels terrible to be here and not being able to do anything.
    Best wishes to all of Japan.

  13. Acabo de llegar a casa y he visto las noticias y aun sigo impactada, por las imagenes. El hombre piensa que puede con todo, pero nos olvidamos de la fuerza de la naturaleza. Me alegro mucho que usted y su familia se encuentren bien. Les envío desde España todo mi cariño y apoyo en estos momentos tan difíciles. Un gran abrazo. Carmen

  14. Oh no! I was worried about you in Japan there. My thoughts are with you and the people of Japan. I am glad you are safe and hope things will get better. Stay safe!

  15. This morning when I heard about the earthquake on the radio before goint to work I thought of you. Thank god you are all right.
    I hope you will find comfort with your family and friends.
    It's a dreadful thing to happen to your country.
    Best wishes

  16. Tomohachi, I am so glad that you and your family are ok. My thoughts are with you and all the people in Japan.

    - Grace

  17. i am glad that you and yours are okay! it's devastating to watch the aftermath. do take care!

  18. You were in my thoughts today when I saw the news on tv. Please, take care,keep alm and best wishes to you and your family. I am very glad that you are fine. Minihugs Rosanna

  19. Glad you are safe. Please take care!

  20. Hello!
    I am thinking of you and your family.
    My sympathies to you and the Japanese people.

    Hugs from Britt

  21. I am very sad for Japan.As I have written you in past to come in Japan is a dream that unites me and my brother.
    Today when we have had the news we have been stunned!
    I am happy that your family and you are well!
    I wish your country to recover itselves soon!

  22. Glad to hear you're alright. It is devastating to see the events unfold on the news. Please stay strong. <3

  23. Thank you so much for worrying about me, my family, my friends and Japan. It is continuing little earthquake frequently. A lot of unbelievable shock news and pictures are reported incessantly on the TV. The northeastern area of Japan were utterly destroyed by tsunami and fire. There are the dead and missing people over 1000. It will increase more…. We are shocked.

    Earthquake, a part of life in Japan. Sometimes has little earthquake in our daily life, but this time earthquake was very big. We were panic.

    It has occurred abnormal whether and big earthquake in all over the world from a few years ago. Recently, had big earthquake in New Zealand. Something strange in the earth.
    Please be careful, everyone too.

    Thank you so much for a lot of comments.

    Thanks a lot from Japan

  24. Hola Tomohachi, México siente mucho lo sucedido a Japón, estamos preocupados. un fuerte abrazo.

  25. Yes indeed, strange things are happening in the world.

    So glad you and your family are safe!

    Take care and keep us all updated as to how things are going.

    Pamela ~

  26. god bless you and Japanese people. happy to know that you are alright. I'll pray for all of the Japanese people.

  27. I saw the tragedy on TV...
    So glad to hear that you and your family are safe!
