Apr 23, 2012

Fantastic saturday

I was ultra busy to prepare our little exhibition with my miniature fellows at the gallery. And our little exhibition was on the last saturday. It was so exiting and great success! :)))))))
I will open a lot of photos on today's post. Please give me your free time a little. 

I created three dollhouses. "Tiny artist in the little atelier", "Red roof kitchen" and "Gallery and Books". I put those photos on flickr. If you have enough time, please check those there. ;-) 

Last one is Gallery and Books. A model of this dollhouse is gallery and books we used to our exhibition. This little gallery is second-hand books. 

Real gallery and books. :)

ta-dah~! with LED. 

We had publicity on each our web site, prepared DM and about our exhibition was on the exhibition information corner of news paper. :)))))

Our tiny show was just one day. We are sooooo glad! Because a lot of people came our tiny show! :,-D Gallery open time was from 12:00, but a few people already were waiting before open. OMG! 
It was crowded by a lot of people inside of little gallery for long time. 

I took some photos before open. At first I took photos by digital camera, but a buttery emptied out. X( I changed to camera of cellular phone. My hands were shaking by nervous. so.... almost photos are out of focus. :,-( 

Fusion old books and miniatures. How beautiful! 

This is my space. 

These works are my miniature fellows. :-) They are sooo talented! I love them. :)

This theme is halloween.

This is Christmas house. Lights of a christmas tree change some color.  Fantastic!

This light also is fantastic!

We thank for people that came our tiny show. :)))

And we learned and had experience a lot of things. Those are our treasure. 

Thank you so much reading and seeing long my post. :))) 

Next, I will participate in big miniature show this summer. I am be busy again. X0 


  1. Thanks for sharing the pics :-)
    I'm starting to work on 2 coming mini shows and slowly starting to freak out. So much to do :D

  2. Fantastic! I would have loved to be there.

  3. thank you for showing all pictures! Wonderful work from all! so many details and beautiful ideas! Many greetings

  4. Congratulations on your wonderful successful show I am very happy for you. Thank you for the wonderful pictures. All the scenes look amazing. I love your kitchen.
    Hugs Maria

  5. Your minis are always heartwarming :)

  6. Gracias por compartir las fotografias y enhorabuena!!
    besitos ascension

  7. looks like a very cosy and wonderful event ^ ^ i agree with mr pineapple man, very heartwarming! <3!!!

  8. Congratulations on your fantastic show! Your work is so adorable! :-) Jennifer

  9. It can be difficult to remember when looking at these photographs that you are actually seeing a miniature.

  10. Thank you so much! Muchishimas gracias! :)))
    I'm very happy that everyone see my article in my blog.
