Apr 2, 2012

Food, cat and kettle

I made miniature Chinese food, steamed yeast bun with minced pork filling. This food call in Japanese "Niku man" or "Buta man". "Niku" meaning meat, "Buta" meaning pig and "Man" meaning steamed bun. This is very famous and popular Chinese food in Japan. We eat it in Winter, it is sold in the supermarket, department store and convenience store etc. Generally, we warm it in the home by steam pan etc. But in the convenience store is sold hot condition.
I found pretty pig design in the web, I made it. :D

I made some miniature food, gratin...

cauliflower and corn...

Oh! This is not food. lol I made miniature cats.

OK, this is last photo in today's post. Kettles. It can not open the lid. hehehe


  1. Everything is so cute!!! The little pigs are so precious! Great work! :-) Jennifer

  2. The Gratin looks sooo real! The buta man is soo cute! Great job! xoxo, Amy

  3. I love your miniatures. Chinese food is fantastic.

  4. Well done!! Love your minis. esp the cats!

  5. buen trabajo, pero el gratinado está genial!!

  6. mm i think i'll have some steamed buns later :) wish we had such cute ones here though..... Lovely! <3 neko too :D

  7. Thank you so much! :))) I like buta man of pig design. :D
