Oct 1, 2012

For Halloween

This is second post today. :) I changed the title banner and template of my blog since a few years. :) Oh, templates had increased! I didn't know that. haha

OK, here we go! The theme is Halloween. :)

Lady little rabbit. :)

She has cute tail. :D

"That's confortable into the box."

"Tea time~."

"She is admired by all of boys. I can't see her eyes, because I am shy boy! So, I always sit back to back when talk with her."

 Light a LED!

 Biscuits, muffins, baumkuchen, waffles and pumpukin cakes. :-9

By the way, when kids came home "trick or treat?", if don't give them candy, they play a trick to home? If they played a trick, how tricks do they play?  


  1. I love the mini's you've made.
    I do not know enough about Halloween to answer your question, they don.t celebrate it in Holland. I see a lot of Halloween decorations in the shops lately so maybe they going to celebrate it in the future.

  2. Hi Tomohachi! I love your minis so much! The kinds of tricks that teenagers might play include throwing eggs on your car or hanging streams of toilet paper from your trees or shrubs. Small children usually go trick-or-treating with their parents and are just so happy to wear costumes and receive candy, they don't do tricks. HTH! xo Jennifer

  3. I love the way you have dealt with Halloween, it isn't gore but charming.

  4. so pretty! I really like those miniature pumpkins on door decoration!
    the shy teddy bear is charming!

  5. The Halloween miniatures are wonderful. I love your Lady little rabbit, she's so sweet.
    Bye Faby

  6. Maria
    Thank you for your comment. :) Japan don't have celebrate Halloween too. But, the shops in Japan has sold a lot of Halloween decorations as Holland. Halloween don't have religiosity in Japan.

    Thank you always for your comment :)) and an information about Halloween!

    >The kinds of tricks that teenagers might play include throwing eggs on your car or hanging streams of toilet paper from your trees or shrubs.

    Oh~! Unbelievable! It's impossible in Japan~! :o If suffered those tricks, it will be hard cleaning. Sigh…

    I had have this question. Thanks to you, I could unravel the mystery! :))

    Thank you always for your comment. :) I don't like Jack-o-Lantern, "triangular eyes and mouth". So I made lovely face Jack-o-Lantern. :)

    jewel snake
    Thank you for your comment. :) The shy teddy bear is my favorite. :))

    Thank you always for your comment. :) I love Lady little rabbit, too. :))

  7. Hi, I would love to feature this on The Mini Food Blog. Please email me at smehreen@gmail.com if interested.
    The Mini Food Blog

  8. Parabéns!!! seus trabalhos estão maravilhosos!! adorei estes de Halloween..bjs
