Oct 16, 2012

Start new project :)

I have made dollhouse " a corner type" and others.

teehee~, what is this? This is not helmet. :D I will open what this is after a few days. ;-)

A chair with cabinet.

Done. There is a drawer under the seat.

I made a decayed leather shoe. I have ever seen decayed sneaker on the road, but I have never seen decayed leather shoe into the forest. So this is my image. I will put some plants to this shoe and it will change appearance more over.

I bought tiny pigs, sheep and goats for diorama the other day. These are detailed! I like these! I will use my miniature world. :))


  1. me gusta el mueble , pero el zapato podrido me encanta, te ha quedado muy realista



  2. I'm curious to see more...
    Bye Faby

  3. Thank you! :)) Muchas gracias! :))
    I had have some miniature articles. I will post those soon. :)
