Dec 26, 2012

Thank you :)

Thank you for visiting and seeing my blog!

Have a nice Holiday! 
Happy New Year!

I wish you happiness!

Dec 11, 2012

On YouTube :D

I open my Christmas work with LED light on YouTube. This is my first open on YouTube. I'm exited a little! :D

Nov 29, 2012


Done Christmas miniature works! :))

Rabbit boy in Holy night.

There is LED inside a lampshade of toadstool, change a few colors. I love Santa Craus's boots and tiny cap on the left side of logo.  

He seems "I'm nervous when take photos."

With special big muffin to Christmas. :D

He is about 5.4 cm tall.

Simple Christmas scene. I made miniature berries cake that I referred to a catalog.

"How many characters are inside me?" ha-ha-ha

It seems warming boots. :)

I made a decayed leather shoe other day. This is continuation. I put plant on the shoe. What kind of plant is this? I don't know. hehehe :P  

Young leaves appear from a tip of shoe.

 If something decay, it will revival to change the figure again...

uhmmm~, I'm sorry, I want to write philosophically or poet, but I can't writing well like that in English. (T_T)

Oct 16, 2012

Start new project :)

I have made dollhouse " a corner type" and others.

teehee~, what is this? This is not helmet. :D I will open what this is after a few days. ;-)

A chair with cabinet.

Done. There is a drawer under the seat.

I made a decayed leather shoe. I have ever seen decayed sneaker on the road, but I have never seen decayed leather shoe into the forest. So this is my image. I will put some plants to this shoe and it will change appearance more over.

I bought tiny pigs, sheep and goats for diorama the other day. These are detailed! I like these! I will use my miniature world. :))

Oct 1, 2012

For Halloween

This is second post today. :) I changed the title banner and template of my blog since a few years. :) Oh, templates had increased! I didn't know that. haha

OK, here we go! The theme is Halloween. :)

Lady little rabbit. :)

She has cute tail. :D

"That's confortable into the box."

"Tea time~."

"She is admired by all of boys. I can't see her eyes, because I am shy boy! So, I always sit back to back when talk with her."

 Light a LED!

 Biscuits, muffins, baumkuchen, waffles and pumpukin cakes. :-9

By the way, when kids came home "trick or treat?", if don't give them candy, they play a trick to home? If they played a trick, how tricks do they play?  


I went to Yokohama City in Kanagawa two weeks ago, I visited to Yokohama Archives of History. Kanagawa is a neighboring prefecture of Tokyo and Yokohama is historic city. The Tokugawa Bakufu (shogunate) prohibited the diplomacy and trade with foreign country for about over 200 years. But in 1853, Matthew Perry, commodore of U.S Navy, appeared with his warships in Uraga bay in Kanagawa and demanded to open a country to foreign trade and diplomatic relations to Tokugawa shogunate. This was all started to change Japan.

This building was British consulate in 1931.

Inside of entrance.

This big tree is like a historic spot.

Special exhibition "The Namamugi incident in 1862"

This incident is well-known in Japanese history. British citizens riding on horses crossed a daimyo's (a feudal lord) procession, Samurai got angry and killed a British man. This incident occurred by they didn't know rule and manner when encounter with daimyo's procession.

Tiles on the road.

A lot of Europeans had lived and reclaimed this city in Meiji period (1868~1912). So there are a lot of European style building.

I didn't have enough time to stay in this city, this day. I couldn't go to other famous place. I will introduce about there when I have opportunity to visit this city again someday.

Thanks for reading. :)

Sep 12, 2012

Pumpkin, witch things etc.

I have mede halloween miniature. :) First, pumpkins! I will fit up with LED into the big pumpkin on the right side. I made holes 360 degrees on this pumpkin, because I want to make a lot of light from inside of pumpkin. If hole form is Jack-o'-Lantern, it can't make a lot of light.  (^_^;

Witch things, a corn-shaped hat, bloom and leather shoes. The tip of toe of leather shoes are not corn-shaped. I like chubby shape.

Fly! Go! Go! hahaha~

Door and stone pavement.

A magic wand. This wand must always with witch hat and bloom, because if only  wand put on the table etc, it will not understand what this is.

And today's last! Good expanded muffins. Baking powder did good job?! haha

Aug 29, 2012

A plastic model

I assembled a plastic model. This miniature car is Daihatsu Midget 1957 model, old Japanese car. It still extant a few cars in Japan but it's rare to see in the road etc.
I assembled miniature car quite a loooong time since I was child.

Color of real Midget is nostalgic feeling, but I wanted to paint girlish. :)

This car is 1/35 scale, I will use miniature Midget like this scene in 1/12 world .

I'm tired too, to assemble miniature Midget. hahaha