Mar 20, 2013


I made some miniature food. :-9 Roast chicken leg with baked potato and dressed boiled carrot with butter.

pound cake and bread.

German bread. I know this bread's name, but I don't understand how spell that in German. And this bread is called "Heidi's white bread" in Japan. The Heidi's story is very famous in Japan.

Pans of design of pumpkin and tomato. I may don't make pan of tomato again, because It's very hard painting to lid.

Almost my miniature works are about 1/12 scale, but this is 1/6 scale. I made blueberry juice's bottle at a web shop's, import and sell of juice, request.  I first made use of real label to my miniature works. That's cool use real label! hahaha

On the cap. :D

I drank this blueberry juice. Of course, real juice. It's very nice! :-9


Fabiola said...

Your new minis are fantastic.
Greetings, Faby

PILAR6373 said...

Mmmm!! que rico se ve todo,muy real,buen trabajo!!

Sans! said...

Great job Tomokosan! As usual, your work is amazing and I especially love those bottles

rosethe-minima said...

le poulet, les pain, on en mangerait tant ils semblent réels.
Les terrines et les petites bouteilles sont parfaites.
Surprenant le jus de bleuets !

mcddiss said...

la comida tiene muy buena pinta, y las botellas te han quedado muy bien ,en España tambien conocimos a Heidi y sus panecillos blancos cuando yo era niña



Marisa said...

they're very cute, I like the little bottles very much!


tomohachi said...

Thank you! Gracias!

Hi! How are you? Oh! You changed your profile photos! very nice! :)

Yo pence los panecillos blancos tambien muy famoso con Heidi. :)